The Writer's Block Members Directory

Welcome Members !!!
The Writer's Block is greatful to have each and all of you
Here is where I will post what is happening and updates...
If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me personally
or send through the group..

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Holiday's At The Writer's Block


Poetry/Story Circles !!!
This is where we have created
different topics for you to write about
Just send in your favorite poem/story based on any of these topics
and we will be happy to post them for you
And if you have a topic you would like to see posted just mail us and let us know...
Your suggetions are always welcomed...

I am so excited..
we at Writer's Block are writing a story together...
Lost In the 50's Forest
This promises to be a great story
To see what what have so far
Just click here


There are a few rules though
1) Your site must contain writings that are your ok if others are there also !!!
2) Your site must be family writings need to be clean as possible !!!
3) You must be willing to meet new people and have a great time sharing writtings and having fun !!!
There may be other rules to come as I am new at this...but is all for now.. smiles
You will need to download the logo to your own server

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