Poems by Drake

By Richard Drake Jones
On wings of Angels I cast my wish,
To hear your voice,
And feel your touch.
Lady I know not your name,
Only the dream of fantasy's claim.
I lay awake at night,
Waiting for your wondrous flight.
Eyes of blue,
Hair of the soul,
Reaches out and takes control.
Woman I call,
Upon the deepest sea.
Hear my song,
Hear my plea.
Hold me in your arms,
Hold me tight,
Give me warmth,
While in your sight.
Kisses of passion,
Arms open wide,
Awaken my soul down deep inside.
You held my hand,
You held my soul.
Was this your ultimate goal?
Wings of Angels fly upon thee,
Over mountain tops,
And over the sea.
Clutching me close,
With warm embrace,
Seeing my smiles,
Brings me closer to your heart.
Of which I feel so much a part.
Lady Oh Lady you are,
The bright and shinning star.
Lady can you hear?
The winds blowing softly near.
Hold me tight,
Hold me close,
Oh Lady you are a Lady most.

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